Friday, March 11, 2011


I enjoy how this book represents how important color is to our lives and how different colors can represent or invoke different emotions. Siri's hair in the novel changes with her emotions red when she is angry, darker brown when she is sad, light blond when she is happy and white when she is afraid. Just like in cartoons when someone sees a ghost in fright their hair turns white. An example of color emotion; most divorced couples have had yellow kitchens. This is because most people spend a lot of time in their kitchens and the color yellow in abundance evokes an angry or hostile attitude thus creating a lot of fighting. Its funny how yellow is thought to be a universally happy color.

It is also funny how color can be seen as a negative thing in the world the author has created. Each person is born with one single breath, however one can gain more breath over time if someone willingly gives you it. People with many breaths are more vibrant in appearance and have an outstanding aurora. People who have a lot of breaths are known as Awakeners and are sometimes feared because they are very powerful. they can animated inanimate objects even choke someone with the clothes they are wearing. They can even wake people from the dead.

The two kingdoms set up in the book are at peace only because one princess is to marry the neighboring kingdom who is ruled by a God-king. The princess Vivenna is to marry this king. Her kingdom is very drab the people fear color and only wear browns. However the other kingdom is proud of its bright colors. Siri, Vivenna's sister, is a rebel. Which I'm fond of. She loves color and not being important to the kingdom, because Vivenna has all of the responsibility, so Siri can just drift through life unnoticed and carefree thats the way she liked it. She spent most of her time escaping to the fields and picking flowers. She gaves some flowers to the children in town who awed at them, but was frowned upon by the villagers but wasnt scolded because she was a princess after all.

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